Zulu Medical Cosmetics
601 67 Ave SW Calgary AB T2V 0M3 (403) 692-9858
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How Many Sessions Does Laser Hair Removal Take?

Close up of young women wait raised arms showing off armpits after laser hair removal

Plucking, waxing, and shaving hair can be a time-consuming process. For longer-lasting results, laser hair removal is an option. With help from a professional, you can target unwanted hair while lessening the need to shave.  If you’re interested in laser hair removal, how many sessions does it take to achieve your desired results? Continue reading […]

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Can Coolsculpting Get Rid of Double Chin?

Close up of women pointing to her chin with double chin visible

If you have fat that won’t go away, your treatment provider can help. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical way to reduce fat in a specific location. This treatment can address several areas—is your chin one of them? Continue reading to learn more about CoolSculpting, including what it is, how it works, and what areas of the […]

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Is Acne Laser Treatment Permanent?

Close up of women receiving acne laser treatment at professional clinic

Acne laser treatment can help address an active breakout or leftover scars. While treatment is effective, are its results permanent?  Before you contact your skincare expert, learn more about acne laser treatment, including how it works and if the results are permanent.  How Acne Affects Your Skin Your skin has small holes that can become […]

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