Zulu Medical Cosmetics
601 67 Ave SW Calgary AB T2V 0M3 (403) 692-9858
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Is Botox a Neuromodulator?

Close up of a woman getting botox injected above the center of her brow line.

Botox is a non-surgical treatment that can help smooth out wrinkles on the face. For people who are insecure about wrinkles and fine lines, it can be an effective defense against these signs of aging. It even has therapeutic uses, as it can address TMJ and excessive sweating. Botox is a type of neuromodulator, and […]

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How to Improve Gut Microbiome for Weight Loss

A young woman holds a cup of yogurt in her hand, as she smiles and looks directly at the camera.

A comprehensive look at wellness can include many aspects, including overall health. One health problem is excessive weight gain.  Besides customized weight loss programs, your gut microbiome can play a role in your health and weight loss journey. Medical DNA testing can provide analysis of your individual genetic makeup and essential information and treatment for […]

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