Zulu Medical Cosmetics
601 67 Ave SW Calgary AB T2V 0M3 (403) 692-9858
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Category: Injections

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What are Neuromodulator Injections?

Expert cosmetologist injecting Botox treatment with close-up of hands.

Neuromodulator injections are becoming more and more popular as a non-surgical solution to wrinkles and age lines. These are performed by injecting specific substances into the body to modulate or influence the activity of the nervous system. These injections, often called “wrinkle relaxers” or “neuromodulators”, have been gaining attention as they soften facial muscles and […]

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How Often Should You Take Reviv Slimboost Shots for Weight Loss?

A woman running downtown.

Slimboost B12 shots have slowly grown in popularity in the weight-loss market, and many celebrities and influential figures have turned to the treatment for help in losing stubborn fat. Slimboost shots are typically prescribed by your healthcare professional and should be taken based on their recommendation.  Read on to learn more about how these treatments […]

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