Regardless of how it happens, uneven skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles can make you look tired and aged beyond your years. And the appearance of acne scarring or other skin concerns can lower your self-esteem.
Fortunately, modern cosmetic laser treatments can offer effective solutions to address your skin concerns, restore your radiant and firm skin, and clear up your complexion.
Laser skin resurfacing can treat skin issues like fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and crepey skin that comes with aging. By resurfacing your skin, we can improve your skin’s texture and appearance—ultimately boosting your confidence with your fresher appearance and clearer complexion.
Learn more about this aesthetic procedure by scheduling a skin consultation. We thrive on helping you achieve your cosmetic goals.
Let’s Talk About Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure performed by trained and skilled professionals to improve the appearance and texture of your skin. Using different types of lasers for various purposes, we can treat your skin concerns and restore your radiant, vibrant appearance.
Laser treatments are either ablative (removes outer layers of skin, used for deeper skin concerns) or non-ablative (doesn’t remove any skin, used for superficial skin flaws).
In addition to improving your complexion and treating deep skin issues, laser skin resurfacing helps boost and support your natural collagen production. Win-win!
At Zulu Medical Cosmetics, we offer many cosmetic services using the Fontona SP Dynamis.
What to Expect Before & During Treatment
Before your laser skin resurfacing appointment, you may be asked to come in for some preparation appointments. During these sessions, you’ll undergo some treatments or product recommendations that will increase your skin’s tolerance and decrease your risk for adverse effects.
When the day comes for your laser skin resurfacing treatment, the appointment will take between 30 minutes and 3 hours, depending on the size of the target area and the laser technique being used. You can expect the following steps during the session:
- The practitioner will freeze the target area with a topical anesthetic to reduce pain and ensure your comfort. If the target area extends over a large area, we may recommend over-the-counter painkillers.
- Then, your skin will be cleansed to scrub away any excess dirt, bacteria, or oil that could interfere with the laser.
- Using the appropriate laser for your treatment, the practitioner will move it slowly around the target area of your skin.
- To wrap up the session, the practitioner will protect the treatment area with an ointment.
After Your Appointment
Depending on your laser treatment, you’ll endure moderate to minimal social downtime after leaving the clinic. Still, you should follow our post-treatment recommendations to ensure that your skin heals well. Your practitioner will provide customized details at your appointment.
Healing & Recovery Time
Your healing and recovery time depends on the type of treatment done—a more significant treatment area may require a deeper laser treatment, which equates to a longer recovery time. Generally the healing time is around 3-10 days.
Possible Side Effects Around Treated Area
With any laser procedure, there’s a chance that the targeted area could react in one of the following ways:
- burning sensation
- bumps
- rash
- swelling
- hyperpigmentation
- redness
After your treatment, we’ll provide you with detailed post-care information that can help reduce and alleviate the common side effects.

Post-Treatment Protection
A laser skin resurfacing treatment makes the targeted area more delicate, and it needs to be protected properly.
You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: wearing sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 helps reduce your risk of sunburn and sun damage. Even when it’s overcast and grey, apply sunscreen every morning to defend your skin against harmful UV rays.
Also, while you don’t have to stay home during the healing process, it’s best to avoid areas with increased germs, like the community gym or pool, that might cause an infection.
Long-Lasting Results
The desired results of your laser skin resurfacing treatment will vary depending on the target area and concerns. Our goals with this treatment are to tighten your skin, reduce the appearance of facial lines, and improve your complexion in alignment with your aesthetic goals.
After treatment, results can last several years; that said, they aren’t always permanent. Our trained Zulu Medical Cosmetics staff will suggest follow-up appointments based on your needs.
Who Can Get Laser Skin Resurfacing?
During your consultation, we’ll discuss your skin concerns and determine if laser skin resurfacing suits your goals. This treatment helps correct the following skin woes:
- age spots
- acne scars
- fine lines & wrinkles
- enlarged pores
- rough, dull, or dry skin
- uneven skin tone
- hyperpigmentation
- rosacea
Remember to protect your skin after your treatment by decreasing sun exposure and maintaining a skincare routine with high-quality products.
Schedule a Consultation Today
The highly skilled staff at Zulu Medical Cosmetics are eager to help you achieve the best you. Schedule a consultation today to learn which treatments can lead you to radiant skin and boost confidence in your appearance. Feel better. Look better. Live better.