Zulu Medical Cosmetics
601 67 Ave SW Calgary AB T2V 0M3 (403) 692-9858
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How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

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A smiling woman holds one hand on either side of face to emphasize her youthful appearance after dermal filler treatment.

Dermal fillers can help you maintain a youthful appearance that defies the passage of time. These cosmetic wonders have gained immense popularity for their ability to enhance facial features, restore volume, and smooth out wrinkles. But, as with any beauty treatment, you may have questions about how long the results last and how to maximize their benefits.

Dermal fillers can last from 6 months to a year or more. However, consult a certified cosmetic professional to determine dermal filler longevity based on your skin and treatment area.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable substances used to plump up areas of the skin that have lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. Unlike Botox, which temporarily paralyzes muscles to reduce wrinkles, dermal fillers add volume beneath the skin, making them ideal for:

  • Lift and contour cheeks
  • Plump lips
  • Smooth eye-area wrinkles
  • Softening lines
  • Lifting eyebrows
  • Sculpting the jaw

Types of Dermal Fillers

Several types of dermal fillers are available, each suited for different purposes.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance found in the body, and is the main component of what gives your skin structure. Hyaluronic acid has a hydrating effect that results from its ability to bind with up to  1000 times its weight in water molecules; this adds moisture to the skin and restores volume to the area injected.

Because HA is a naturally occurring substance in the body, it breaks down over time without causing any harm. Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers are an excellent choice for those seeking natural-looking results with minimal risk and downtime.

Types of HA dermal fillers include:

  • Teosyal®: Treats wrinkles, fills lips, and elevates your natural beauty. This type of dermal filler can show immediate results, and continues to improve over several weeks.
  • Juvederm®: Helps achieve a healthier, more vitalized look by treating fine lines and wrinkles, filling lips, and restoring facial volume.
  • Restylane®: Helps refresh your look by smoothing and revitalizing your skin around your face, chin, and neck.

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

You can typically see immediate results with dermal fillers, as a single treatment can address any contouring, defining, or refining of the face. The longevity of dermal fillers varies depending on the type of filler used and individual factors. Hyaluronic acid fillers generally last from 6 months to a year or more.

For example, Juvederm treatments are temporary and may need more treatments within 9 to 24 months, while Restylane® Skinboosters may need treatments every 4 to 6 months.

Factors Affecting Dermal Filler Results

The following factors can affect how long dermal fillers last:

  • The age of the skin
  • The severity of the facial defect
  • The size of the area treated
  • How much dermal filler is injected
  • The speed at which the body metabolizes the filler material
  • The specific type of cosmetic dermal filler used
  • The injector’s skill

How to Extend the Life of Your Dermal Fillers

While the longevity of dermal fillers can vary, there are several steps you can take to extend their life. First, adopting a consistent skincare routine is essential. Using products that hydrate and protect the skin can help maintain the integrity of the fillers.

Lifestyle adjustments can also play a significant role in prolonging the effects of fillers. Avoiding excessive sun exposure and using a broad-spectrum sunscreen can prevent UV rays from breaking down the fillers.

Reducing stress, staying hydrated, and maintaining a healthy diet rich in antioxidants can also contribute to longer-lasting results. Regular touch-ups and consultations can make sure that your fillers remain effective for an extended period. An experienced injector can assess your needs and recommend the best maintenance plan.

Minimize Risk with Dermal Fillers

Some people experience minor redness and swelling after having dermal fillers. However, these effects usually subside after 24 hours. Like any medical procedure, there can be risks. To help minimize the risks associated with dermal fillers, speak to your cosmetic injector if you have any of the following:

  • A history of severe allergies 
  • Allergy to collagen, eggs, or lidocaine
  • Inflamed or infected skin
  • A bleeding disorder
  • Cysts, pimples, rashes, or hives
  • Tendency to scarring

When to Consider Additional Treatment

A nurse injector wearing a mask and gloves examines a woman's face while the women checks the results of her dermal filler procedure in a mirror.

Recognizing when your fillers are wearing off is key to maintaining a youthful appearance. Dermal fillers can slowly degrade during the first few months, but nonetheless maintain their results, as they can still absorb water. But halfway through the duration of the filler, you can expect this to change.  

Common signs that you need a touch-up include the return of wrinkles, loss of volume, and decreased skin smoothness. If you notice these changes, it’s time to schedule additional treatments.

Regular consultations with a professional are essential for monitoring your progress and making any necessary adjustments. Your injector can recommend the best timing for touch-ups based on your needs and goals.

Immediate & Long-Lasting Results

Dermal fillers offer a fantastic solution for those looking to enhance their appearance and maintain youthful-looking skin with immediate and lasting results. You can make informed decisions about your beauty goals by understanding the different types of fillers, their average duration, and the factors that affect their longevity.

If you’re considering dermal fillers, book an appointment with Zulu Medical Cosmetics for personalized advice and treatment. 


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  • Written by Dr. Jeane Lombard

    Dr. Lombard was born and raised in South Africa. In 1998, she graduated from the University of Pretoria with her medical degree. She worked as a physician in London, England from 1998 to 2002. In 2002, Dr. Lombard made the decision to move to Canada. She became a licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada that same year, allowing her to practice medicine in Saskatoon, Canmore, and Calgary.

    Dr. Lombard has been working as a medical professional for over 21 years, and in that time, she has discovered a deep passion for the cosmetic side of medicine. Today, she specializes in cosmetic procedures, boasting 13 years in the industry.
    With deep compassion for her patients and a professional commitment to exemplary care, Dr. Lombard prioritizes health and safety over all else. When she isn’t hard at work, Dr. Lombard likes to spend time with friends in the mountains, enjoying good food and fine wine.

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