For many, there are plenty of unwanted places where hair tends to grow, including underarms, legs, chest, or face. Shaving regularly and avoiding razor burn can be a timely and annoying task with a potentially easy solution.
Laser hair removal treatments offer patients the opportunity to save time, energy, and money by helping to reduce or sometimes eliminate the need to shave those pesky hairs. Laser treatments intend to damage the hair follicles and prevent them from regrowing again. Typically results are permanent or long-lasting.
Learn more about laser hair removal treatments by reading this blog and booking an appointment with our friendly and experienced staff at Zulu Medical Cosmetics.
How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?
Hair follows 4 stages as it grows, and laser hair treatment must typically target hair during the initial growing stage. Here are the 4 stages of hair growth:
- Anagen: growing phase
- Catagen: transitional phase
- Telogen: resting phase
- Exogen: shedding phase
Hairs don’t always grow simultaneously, so you will likely be asked to attend several treatment sessions to tackle hair growth during the anagen stage.
The location of the hair may also play a role in how long the hair will remain gone. For example, hair on the face typically grows back after laser hair removal, albeit slowly. In contrast, hair removal on the body can be long-lasting or even permanent.
What Are Laser Hair Removal Treatments?
Laser hair removal is a type of procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light that is converted to heat and can be used to damage or delay the growth of hair. It typically works better on patients with lighter-coloured skin and darker hair, but it can work on other skin and hair types.
Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is not without some risks and potential side effects. For example, some people experience a slight burning or stinging sensation while the laser is moving across the skin. Other symptoms may include:
- Changes in the colour of the skin (usually only temporary)
- Redness
- Blistering
It is important to speak with your doctor about laser hair treatment.

Tips for Before & After Laser Treatments
At Zulu Medical Cosmetics, we walk our patients through the laser hair removal process and discuss what to expect before starting. Here are some tips about what to do before and after laser hair removal treatments.
Before Treatments
Here are a few tips to follow before you get laser hair treatments:
- Avoid waxing or plucking hairs for four weeks before treatments begin
- Avoid tanning, fake tanning, or too much sun exposure for two weeks leading up to the treatments
- Shave your hair the day before treatments begin
- Avoid taking blood-thinning medications like aspirins on the day of the treatments
After Treatments
Here are a few tips to follow after you get laser hair treatments:
- Avoid overexposure to the sun
- Wear sunscreen daily for at least two weeks following the treatments
- Apply prescription creams as recommended
- Apply a cool compress to reduce swelling
If you experience any unusual discomfort, book an appointment with your doctor and discuss your symptoms.
Alternatives to Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal isn’t for everyone, and there are plenty of other options to choose from when removing those unwanted hairs. Here are a few alternative options to laser hair removal treatments:
Shaving is the most common option regarding hair removal—although the results don’t typically last long, and your hair will grow back. It’s recommended to use a clean razor and shaving cream to reduce the chance of razor burns.
Waxing typically lasts longer than shaving but can be a more uncomfortablel experience. It generally involves using hot or cold wax strips that stick to the hair and then are pulled out along with the root of the hair. You may experience a mild rash after a wax treatment.
Plucking typically involves using tweezers to pull the hair out mechanically from the desired area. It can have long-lasting effects compared to the other options mentioned, but it is generally more time-consuming and challenging in more densely hairy places on your body.
Electrolysis is another form of hair removal treatment that uses shortwave radio frequencies that are distributed through fine needles placed into your hair follicles. Like laser hair removal, electrolysis is typically considered a permanent hair removal solution but requires multiple sessions to be effective.
How Many Laser Treatments Do You Need?
The number of treatments necessary will depend on the area’s size to remove the hair. For example, removing all the hair from your chest may take significantly longer than the hair on the arm. Treatments generally take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours, and we recommend 4 to 12 weeks between treatments.
Start Your Treatments Today
Our friendly staff at Zulu Medical Cosmetics are happy to sit down and discuss creating a personalized treatment plan that fits your needs and wants. Don’t wait to start your laser hair removal treatments; feel comfortable and confident in your skin.