Zulu Medical Cosmetics
601 67 Ave SW Calgary AB T2V 0M3 (403) 692-9858
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Can Ozempic Make Your Hair Fall Out?

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Type 2 diabetes and obesity are two of the most common health issues worldwide, and Ozempic is a medication used to manage them. This injectable drug can improve blood sugar control and help users lose weight

Some people have reported experiencing hair loss while on Ozempic, raising concerns with some patients.

Many people turn to Ozempic when other lifestyle changes or medicine haven’t produced results. While proper diet and exercise can prevent and manage both ailments, many contributing factors go beyond just lifestyle choices.

Genetics plays a role in our predisposition to these conditions. A DNA test can be a valuable tool in developing a personalized strategy to manage your well-being.

Ozempic & Hair Loss

The link between Ozempic and hair loss has not been proven, but some studies suggest that this medication can alter hair growth cycles. Ozempic is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist that stimulates insulin secretion, lowers blood sugar levels, and encourages weight loss.

According to a recent clinical trial, 3% of Ozempic users reported hair loss as a side effect, compared to 1% of those who received a placebo. Although the difference is slight, it implies that Ozempic may increase the risk of hair loss in some patients. However, it is important to note that not all patients who take Ozempic will experience hair loss or other side effects.

So, what should you do if you notice hair loss while taking Ozempic? First of all, don’t panic. Hair loss can be distressing, but it is often temporary and reversible. If the weight is melting off, your hair loss could result from weight alone, not necessarily Ozempic.

Before turning to Ozempic to manage type 2 diabetes and weight loss, a DNA test can help determine how genetics influences your health, illnesses, and weight distribution.

DNA Tests to Provide Insight into Your Well-Being

DNA tests can do more than help you find that long-lost cousin—if performed, interpreted, and applied correctly. Organizing DNA results in a simple report to build actionable steps is key to maximizing DNA tests for well-being. Your detailed genetic information can help narrow your focus in several areas of your health and wellness.

Genetic Risk Factors for Diabetes & Obesity

Research has shown that certain genetic variations can increase our risk for type 2 diabetes and obesity. Type 2 diabetes is a complex disorder influenced by genetic and environmental factors. It’s known to have a stronger link to family history and lineage than type 1 diabetes, with studies of twins showing that genetics play a powerful role in the development of the condition.

Some genetic variations can affect how our bodies respond to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Others can impact metabolism and appetite regulation. By understanding your unique genetic makeup, you can identify your risk factors and take proactive steps to prevent and manage these conditions.

Personalized Diet & Exercise Plans

There’s no single diet that works for everybody. Fad diets come and go, but while they’re in style, they’re highlighted as the best way to lose weight until another diet comes along. But nutrition, weight, and metabolism are more complex.

DNA testing technology has come a long way in recent years, and there are now tests that provide insights into how our bodies process food and respond to exercise. These tests can reveal your genetic predispositions to certain types of diets and exercise routines, helping you tailor your lifestyle choices to your unique needs and goals. 

Someone with a genetic predisposition to obesity may benefit from a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, while someone with a genetic predisposition to diabetes may benefit from regular physical activity. These differences matter for successful weight control and good health.

Stress Management

Research into mental illness detection and stress is ongoing, and there’s a desire to know more about the link between genetics, mental health, and stress responses. There is an understanding that heredity plays a part in the reactivity of the nervous system.

Stress is a well-known contributor to both type 2 diabetes and obesity. It can trigger the release of hormones that increase glucose levels and cause many to make poor dietary choices. DNA testing can help identify how our bodies respond to stress and suggest stress-management techniques that work for our unique genetic makeup.

Early Detection & Prevention

DNA testing can also help identify early signs of illness. This means we can take action early on before the conditions become more serious. If a genetic test reveals a high risk for type 2 diabetes, you can be more vigilant about your blood sugar levels and take steps to prevent the onset of the disease. Similarly, if a genetic test reveals a predisposition to obesity, you might make lifestyle changes to prevent weight gain before it becomes a problem.

A female aesthetician with a mask on analyzing a man in a clinic.

Do a DNA Analysis to Support Your Health

Uncovering your unique genetic profile can be vital in detecting and managing illnesses like type 2 diabetes and obesity. By understanding your body at the genetic level, you can make more informed decisions about your diet, exercise, and stress-management practices.Zulu Medical Cosmetics can perform extensive DNA analysis to help determine your risk factors and use the valuable information to guide lifestyle, dietary, and wellness choices. Book an appointment and take proactive steps to prevent and manage ailments.


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  • Written by Dr. Jeane Lombard

    Dr. Lombard was born and raised in South Africa. In 1998, she graduated from the University of Pretoria with her medical degree. She worked as a physician in London, England from 1998 to 2002. In 2002, Dr. Lombard made the decision to move to Canada. She became a licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada that same year, allowing her to practice medicine in Saskatoon, Canmore, and Calgary.

    Dr. Lombard has been working as a medical professional for over 21 years, and in that time, she has discovered a deep passion for the cosmetic side of medicine. Today, she specializes in cosmetic procedures, boasting 13 years in the industry.
    With deep compassion for her patients and a professional commitment to exemplary care, Dr. Lombard prioritizes health and safety over all else. When she isn’t hard at work, Dr. Lombard likes to spend time with friends in the mountains, enjoying good food and fine wine.

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